Monday, February 11, 2019

What Do I Do When Im (Still) Unemployed : Life As Unemployed

Well, hello my world, coming back again to me… Alan Darmasaputra who hates being unemployed so much, and it is almost 1 year since I left my job, or being jobless, and again… I hate it so much.

But not to complain, on this time im going to tell in this… my diary, about what am I doing when im (still) unemployed, woahhh I hate to confirm this, but I must. Mark Manson said, it’s good to accept, its an acceptance of you yourself as a fragile human being, and to be honest as hell as a fragile souls, which know nothing about life instead. A solace.

Write, like this one im doing right now while listening on relaxing classic music piano on Youtube with some rain as the background noise, this is very lovely and yes, it truly relaxing! (it reminisces me to .Hack//GU games when I was a kid, when I was loving play some games. Hence, I throw away playing game, which is wasting the time on the most part. Yeah, writing, I hope it helps me someday being a knowledge which trains me of speaking or learning english or for the career in the future, well I don’t know. Immersing into english.

Instead of writing, workout being my daily basis, my routine. Trying to balance the stress with workout really relieved me out of the bullshit happens out there and inside, also it helps me cope with the procrastination situation though. (at this point im thinking being ignorant to something is really a blessings. After all the things, issues happens in my life, totally changes my way of thinking about lot of things. While separated from the all hustle and bustle is very blissfull, im not bothered with a lot of peeps but being alone (khalwat) and contemplate (tafakkur) was very important for me.) work my body out, buffed really refresh my mind. Instead of workout, doing a short nap also helping me out to stress off.

Drawing, my passion, hobby and talent. I have a big doubt on drawing before, I have a lot of consideration to come back to draw. Instead of being grateful of the gift, which I should’ve done it. I always fear of being underestimated in public with the skill, even im doing it good but well, being jobless have a connection with this. The afraidness of being seen as jobless and all you did just drawing, eventhough you re so good at it. Maybe other people or maybe you feel the same, when you re good at something but youre feel opressed of being free to do what you re good at, ahhhh… this social media things is very complex and you have a pathology on it you know. Still try to fight the feeling of being opressed.

All those ive elaborated above, was just  a little part of what im worried and concern about. Instead of that I can say, Im just learning new things like graphic design (Digitally) or maybe read a lot of books and article about biography or something that can develop my way of thinking, and off course also looking for a job vacancy on the internet which I want to work at. And this not this simple, it’s hard being unemployed, and also being creative on your routine, I mean productively, not just doing ‘ngopi-ngopi’ things and hang out with some friends have fun playing and chit chat or something unproductive (not all hang out is unproductive but I believe most of them unproductive, we could also do something like TAO discussion or business discussion but it needs a lot of effort and consideration of cliques). All hail my writing routine! Hope someone who read this can find a wisdom from this. (even after i wrote this, when i look for 'unemployed' pic i can't find one in! haha! so i decided to use picture of eyes afterwards).

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